Monday, December 30, 2019

Concept of Entrepreneurship - 1455 Words

Q1. Discuss and define the concept of ‘entrepreneurship’. The entrepreneur is our visionary, the creator in each of us. Were born with that quality and it defines our lives as we respond to what we see, hear, feel, and experience. It is developed, nurtured, and given space to flourish or is squelched, thwarted, without air or stimulation, and dies. Michael Gerber The term entrepreneur has been around since the seventeenth-century, it originates from France, where the phrase â€Å"entreprendre† was first used when a Frenchmen ‘entered and took charge’ of royal contracts. It was used widely to describe a person who lead a project which would deliver valuable benefits and bring it to completion, a person who can manage uncertainty and bring†¦show more content†¦For example strong support from family and friends may influence the desire to become an entrepreneur. In the case of Richard Branson this would refer to the major influence of his mother. The Financial/ Capital School of Thought – The foundations of this school are based on the capital-seeking process. The search for start-up and growth capital is the complete focus because securing venture capital is vital to an entrepreneur’s development. In this case, the entire entrepreneurial venture is viewed from a financial management viewpoint and decisions involving finance occur at every major point. The Displacement School of Thought – This thought process concentrates on the negative side of the existence of group, where someone can feel out of place or be displaced from the group. It argues that a group can slow a person’s development, either bringing it to a halt or removing specific factors vital to the individual for them to advance. As a result the frustrated individual is motivated to succeed which can be projected into an entrepreneurial pursuit. There are three major types of displacement that demonstrate this school of thought: -Political displacement. Government regulations and policies that can limit/ redirect certain industries or reject free enterprise. -Cultural displacement. Social groups excluded from professional fields e.g. EthnicShow MoreRelatedThe Concept Of An Entrepreneurship1345 Words   |  6 PagesThe definition of an entrepreneurship is a commonly argued point, with several definitions given by many different people. The Business in Action textbook defines entrepreneurship as the combination of innovation, initiative and willingness take risks required to create and operate new businesses and an entrepreneur as a person with positive, forward-thinking desire to create profitable, sustainable business enterprise. According to this definition, a small business owner could definitely be classedRead MoreHow Corporate Entrepreneurship Is An Ever Growing Concept1224 Words   |  5 PagesCorporate entrepreneurship is an ever-growing concept that is flowing throughout many companies around the world. 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Entrepreneurs Read MoreCan Entrepreneurship Be Taught1355 Words   |  6 Pages†¢ Can we teach entrepreneurship and bring some entrepreneurial awareness and changes among individuals. Give evidence Approach in answering the Question †¢ Definition of Entrepreneurship †¢ Entrepreneurship education †¢ Approaches to teach entrepreneurship †¢ Conclusion The concept of entrepreneurship There is no universal agreed definition of entrepreneurship. However, Entrepreneurship is defined differently by different scholars. Schumpeter (1934) defines Entrepreneurship as a person’s abilityRead MoreEntrepreneurship Essay1729 Words   |  7 Pagescan be concluded that entrepreneurship demands foresight and willingness to assume risk (Landstrom 1997, cited in Corbetta, Huse Rovasi 2004). In short it can be said that the first concept of entrepreneurship from Cantillon emphasis on taking risk to venture into a business. 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Scales, the author goes over key points about small business like development, growth, and secession. Scales focus on experiences that relate to an accomplished and an unaccomplished entrepreneur. Scales say that if an idea can become entrepreneurial, it can be big or small. Entrepreneurship is the key to innovation and growth. Since the 1970s, scholars knew that entrepreneurship was the sourceRead MoreTo What Extent is Naturis an Entrepreneurial Company?1245 Words   |  5 PagesCovin, 2008). After the sucessful joint venture, Naturis is now hightly entrepreneurial as it practices the concept of strategic entrepreneurship. By constantly looking for new uses for its product, the company innovate in order to sustain their competitive advantage. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Social Anxiety Disorder ( Sad ) - 1901 Words

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is defined as a chronic and often disabling condition that is associated with uncontrollable worry and tension with symptoms that include restlessness, fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, and/or sleep disturbance. People with social anxiety disorder also experience an intense, persistent fear of drawing attention to themselves in social situations, believing that their flaws will be exposed and that they will be negatively evaluated and rejected. It’s a terrible and vicious cycle of anxiety and worry that interferes with careers, everyday life, and relationships, and often causes the individual to develop depression. This disorder is much more than the normal anxiety that everyone experiences from time to†¦show more content†¦A simple way to remember the importance of SAD is a term known as â€Å"free-floating anxiety† which means a general and persistent fear that is not due to any specific object, event, or source. Most biolog ists believe that all psychological abnormalities have an underlying chemical or physical cause, which directs their attention to the brain. A mental illness can develop in many different ways such as behavior and biological. Although both can be explained through actions of the brain, the behavior model suggests that abnormal behaviors are caused by operant and classical conditioning. Operant conditioning provides us with theories that suggest that people learn from consequences of actions through negative and positive reinforcement. Therefore they understand the pros and cons of every action, which provides them with decision before their actions. With modern technology biological theorists explain abnormal behaviors as sources by biological abnormalities or viral infections. Interest in viral explanations of psychological disorders has been growing for over nearly a decade, more and more studies have been done on anxiety and mood disorders. Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a patt ern of constant worry and anxiety over social settings and other different activities and events. There

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Vgvjvjv Free Essays

Being famous Isn’t always as great as Its made out to be; It also comes with a variety of effects. Some examples of famous people who may be dealing with these effects are Rappers, Professional Athletes, and Talk Show Host. Famous people are always being harassed and bothered; whether it is by a fan or paparazzi, they never get a break. We will write a custom essay sample on Vgvjvjv or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is rear to be a celebrity and stay under the map; the radar is always on and its focused on them. The effects of being a famous actor are loss of privacy, schedule issues, and demeanor. To begin with, one of the main effects of being a famous actor is privacy. At no point in time are actors honestly every alone. Everywhere they go and everything they do Is always watched closely. For example, fans and paparazzi are always harassing famous celebrity. How much can an actor do with paparazzi trying to take pictures of every move they make? Along with the paparazzi you also have stalkers who play a big role In the loss of privacy celebrities lose. Stalkers are everywhere you expect them not to be; they pop up Instantly almost like a virus and tart attacking you mentally and even sometimes even physically. Another thing that may affect famous actors privacy are rumors. The presses along with other huge media news broadcasting companies tend to like to spread rumors. Rumors can have a huge impact on anyone’s life; especially famous people because all the rumors made about them expand in the public quickly. Whether the rumors are true or not, they still are an invasion of celebrities privacy. Famous actors being harassed and stalked can also put their own security in danger. For example, when paparazzi take pictures they are usually posted online or shown on television. If a stalker or a criminal Is familiar with the viewed location In the picture, they may now be able to harm or Intimidate that celebrity. Privacy Is a very Important part of everyone’s life and being a famous actor can affect that. Incidentally, another effect of being a famous actor is scheduling. At most times in a professional acting career or any career at all in particular, people are constantly busy with work. Actors usually perform in movies, plays, or television shows. The process to do the following is not a short process, not in the slightest bit. With this being said, famous actors lose arsenal time for their selves. Actors are not able to do too much of what they want to do; instead they often have to do much of what’s need to be done. Most people in the world are able to enjoy their selves throughout the week; celebrities can’t because their schedules are so strict. Another effect of being a famous actor is incomplete work. With a schedule that is so filled pack with things that need to be done, It can be hard for some actors to complete certain task. For example, say an actor has a movie to shoot and It will take all day. Also say the actor has a meeting that’s mandatory hat will make him or her lose out on money If they don’t go, How will the famous meaning that some task may end incomplete. To change the topic, one final effect of being a famous actor is demeanor. Demeanor is very important if being a celebrity. Eyes everywhere are on celebrities at all times; some may not even know. Being a famous actor come with responsibility. Children, Teens, and Adults look towards celebrities as role models. Role models are usually someone that other look up too and want to be. If famous actors are not showing that they can be a role model, they ay lose fans instantly. Another effect that goes along with that is personal image. Personal image is also a huge situation that can affect a famous actor; image is the first thing that people Judge others off when they don’t know them. If a celebrity image isn’t good, in some cases people may think they aren’t good. This can now affect the amount of fans they have and how much money they bring in. A famous persons attitude can also affect him or her in huge way. If a celebrity attitude is bad, people may tend to not like them. For example, if someone was to ask a actor for their autograph and they were disrespectful and said no, that actor would lose fans and money. In conclusion, being a famous actor comes with many effects. Once a actor reaches that high level of popularity their life is no longer only theirs. Everybody, everywhere, will know everything about you; its almost like the rolling camera never stops. It can sometimes be an amazing opportunity, but it still comes with its effects. Being a celebrity means giving up privacy, scheduling issues, and demeanor. Is becoming a famous actor really worth the effects it comes with? I believe the choice is up to the upcoming actors to make. How to cite Vgvjvjv, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Industrial Relations in Asia-Pacific Region

Question: Describe about the Industrial Relations in Asia-Pacific Region. Answer: Mobility of labour in Asia Pacific region and the consequences upon labour market and labour conditions in Singapore and Hong Kong There are certain stereotypes, which build up the trade unions in the Asia Pacific region and labour mobility has been appeared with a proper acceleration from various host countries in the Asian region such as Hong Kong and Singapore. The labour mobility in Asia Pacific region is solely responsible because of several potential opportunities, which are unevenly distributed[1]. The commercialisation process of migration can be considered as profit motivated organisations that have the capabilities to take over the recruitment procedures in progressive manner from different state bodies[2]. Its high population, which is more than 4.65 milion, controls the workforce in Singapore and more than one third of this population is expatriate labour. Industrialisation has been solely relied on the export process of foreign investment in direct process. Even the long-term stability of the political parties and the government of Asia Pacific region control the labour mobility in appropriate manne r. The economic condition of the market of Singapore has been developed from third world to Smooth Singapore. However, the problem arises in the market of Hong Kong and Singapore because of various issue related domestic workers as the government fails to uptake and implement relevant legislations and policies to stable the situation of labour mobility[3]. The issues of Hong Kong suggests that most of the business operations have investments in various locations of China, therefore, it possesses the capability of transferring the job production in order to take suitable advantages of the basic cost of labour. Even the colonial legislations have not improved to control the labour mobility in Hong Kong and Singapore and it is in the same position. The labour mobility in Hong Kong also encountered with the continuous agreement from the government of China in order to operate free enterprises and simultaneously it concentrates on the low value. The trade unions are divided, which also deter mines the condition of labour mobility. The GDP level is high in Honk Kong and Singapore, still the income of the labour is distributed unequally and unevenly. As labour mobility is responsible to decide the minimum wages therefore, any kind of issues should be resolved with potential strategies by the government and the higher authority of the organisations[4]. Although both Hong Kong and Singapore supports low taxes and perfect business infrastructure, still there are divergences in the competitiveness in the case of labour mobility and Hong Kong holds the leading position. The weakening economy of Singapore is the major reason of the failure and Singapore government possess strict laws to hire the foreign labours. The government of Singapore pushes the labour cost, which has a direct impact on the competitiveness. Concept of labour mobility The concept of labour mobility involves a perfect ease with every associated labourers to be able to move within the economy and economic condition of various countries. Labour mobility also engage essential factors such as the growth and production system of the organisation[5]. The mobility of labour suggests the ability and capacity of the labours for moving from one location to another and even from one occupation to another occupation and even from one industry to a complete different industry. Factors that determine the labour mobility: There are various significant factors, which determine the labour mobility of a particular nation[6]. The mobility of labour of Singapore solely depends upon the extent of trained and educated labours, as it is very common fact that a trained, skilled and talented individual has the more scope and possibility to move to other location than the other existing inhabitants do of Singapore. Both the vertical and geographical labour mobility happens in Singapore and Hong Kong. The vertical mobility of labour involves the situation of a labour, which lower status and grade in a specific occupation for moving to another occupation in higher status and grades[7]. The urge and outlook of the labours of Hong Kong and Singapore determines the labour mobility. There are other factors, which also decide the labour mobility such as the social set up of the inhabitants, agricultural developments, transportation system, development of trade and industrialisation. The labour mobility helps to increas e the productivity and efficiency of the labours because of their moving from one occupation to another. Labour mobility also enhances the basic income of a nation and therefore, the economic condition of a country has been developed. Similar things happen in the case of Hong Kong and Singapore. With the help of labour mobility, these countries have transformed from the third world countries to developed countries[8]. Aspects of labour mobility Immigration has been proved a common factor in the case of labour mobility and the intra regional mobility of labour across various countries[9]. The basic aspect of the labour mobility in Singapore and Hong Kong increases only because of the developed urbanisation. However, the effects and trends of labour mobility have been constantly changing in the developing countries of South Asian region. The labour mobility of Singapore and Hong Kong solely highlights the essential requirements of the workers in the neighbouring countries for developing the economic condition of the nation. The history of Singapore determines the labour mobility as during the colonial rule, there was a clear ignorance of maintain an appropriate labour dependency while performing own roles and responsibilities within various organisation in Singapore. There was a deep routed conflict among the workers, which comes out during the industrialisation and it support the labour mobility of the country. Even the gove rnment of Singapore is responsible for labour mobility as there are hardly any strict rules, legislations and regulations for retaining its workers. However, the government of Singapore supports labour mobility because it increases the fundamental supply of workers in specific industries and it reduces the rate of minimum wage to the labours. Figure 1: Wages and Foreign worker levies of low-wage workers in Singapore (Source: Hui 2013[10]) From this above-mentioned graph, it has been reflected that the labours of Singapore prefer labour mobility and to work in other place rather than Singapore as it helps to earn more revenue. Labour mobility allows the nascent industries of Singapore to grow and it is easy for the labourers to pursue in a completely different industry for huge supply of labours from other neighbouring countries. Effects of the labour market in Hong Kong and Singapore Hong Kong and Singapore hold the most competitive position of labour mobility in the entire Asia Pacific region[11]. However, from recent studies, it can be understood that Hong Kong is emerging high in the labour mobility and Singapore is sliding in gradual manner. The business environment of Hong Kong is more promising than Singapore and can generate more sustainable value of business than the existing one of previous years. The labour mobility of these two concerned countries illustrates the basic level of competitiveness as it denotes the capability of a nation for creating a perfect environment base on the economic performance, business infrastructure, efficiency and the policies of the government[12]. However, both Hong Kong and Singapore boast the low taxes, easy procedures, good and stable infrastructure for a business. Challenges to address issues for foreign domestic workers in Hog Kong: The foreign domestic workers of Hog Kong are increasing in gradual manner and they are scrutinised and criticised by the various groups of human rights to the modern slavery as tantamount. There are certain cases of abuses, unpaid wages and criminal intimidations of the foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong. All these challenges with appropriate employment of policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the government of Hong Kong can be reduced and resolved. Even the justice centres and NGOs of Hong Kong support these foreign domestic workers in order to get the suitable justice to pursue the business operation. The statistical report has revealed the fact that minimum 33.24% foreign domestic workers are operating in various sectors of Hong Kong. This labours number have the potentiality to be a bit higher if it was not undercounted in the surveys of labour force. During the last annual year, the highest percentage of foreign domestic workers was calculated by 7.34% in the Asia Pa cific regions. References Cortes, Patricia, and Jessica Pan. "Outsourcing household production: Foreign domestic workers and native labor supply in Hong Kong."Journal of Labor Economics31, no. 2 (2013): 327-371. Harvey, William S., and Dimitria Groutsis. "Reputation and talent mobility in the Asia Pacific."Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources53, no. 1 (2015): 22-40. Hui, Weng Tat. "Economic growth and inequality in Singapore: The case for a minimum wage."International Labour Review152, no. 1 (2013): 107-123. Law, Kam-yee, and Kim-ming Lee. "The myth of multiculturalism in Asia's world city: Incomprehensive policies for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong."Journal of Asian Public Policy5, no. 1 (2012): 117-134. Ley, David, and Sin Yih Teo. "Gentrification in Hong Kong? Epistemology vs. ontology."International Journal of Urban and Regional Research38, no. 4 (2014): 1286-1303. Li, Kui-Wai. "Economic freedom: lessons of Hong Kong." (2012). Mukand, Sharun W.International migration, politics and culture: the case for greater labour mobility. Chatham House, in partnership with the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE), University of Warwick, 2012. Nagy, Stephen Robert. "Politics of multiculturalism in East Asia: Reinterpreting multiculturalism."Ethnicities(2013): 1468796813498078. Oleksiyenko, Anatoly, Kai-Ming Cheng, and Hak-Kwong Yip. "International student mobility in Hong Kong: private good, public good, or trade in services?."Studies in Higher Education38, no. 7 (2013): 1079-1101. Walmsley, Terrie, Angel Aguiar, and Syud Amer Ahmed. "Labour Migration and Economic Growth in East and Southà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ East Asia."The World Economy(2015). Yeoh, Brenda SA, and Weiqiang Lin. "Chinese migration to Singapore: Discourses and discontents in a globalizing nation-state."Asian and Pacific Migration Journal22, no. 1 (2013): 31-54. Zhang, Jun. "From Hong Kongs capitalist fundamentals to Singapores authoritarian governance: the policy mobility of neo-liberalising Shenzhen, China."Urban Studies49, no. 13 (2012): 2853-2871.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

HISTORICAL CONTENT Essays - Allah, Deities, God, Infinity

HISTORICAL CONTENT Julian of Norwich lived during the late fourteenth century- early fifteenth century. Many things were happening in Europe at that time. The main thing going on at that time was the Bubonic or Black Plague. The plague spread in waves. It was spread by fleas, which got it from infected ship rats. The plague lasted about one-hundred years. The Bubonic Plague was very influential in the works of art and the way people felt at that time period. Another thing going on was the hundred years war. This was actually lasted one-hundred fifteen years, and was fought between the French and British. During the life of Julian the Avignion Papacy was going on. This was when the popes moved from Rome to France and the French kings had a lot of power because the kings and the popes worked together to help each other out. it was a very confusing time at one point they had a French and a roman pope. Eventually, it was all straightened out with some help from Catherine of Sienna who had a dream were God told her the pope needed to be in Rome. She told her story to pope Gregory XI who returned the papacy to Rome. The first great work of literature in the English language was The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer around 1390. Chaucer was, at various times, a court page, a soldier, and a diplomat. His travels exposed him to a variety of men and women, many of whom served as models for his vivid characters. Chaucer tells the story of a group of pilgrims bound for the shrine of Thomas ? Becket, who entertained themselves by telling tales. Also at that time the Aztec empire was taking off and it was taken over by the Spaniards in 1521. CONTENT In Julian's visions, she believes Jesus is communicating directly with her because the images she sees are so vivid and real, and she believes she felt Heaven. It was then that Julian realized that the trinity is everything good in the world. She felt unworthy to receive these images but God still gave them to her. She feels Mary's thoughts and realizes that Jesus wanted to live as a human, as one of his Father's creatures. After this is when she decides to turn her life over to God. She feels that God is always with us, helping and loving. Realizing that God loves everything, no matter how big or small, rich or poor. Julian believes we, like god, must consider every little thing and love it. The man-made things are what God thinks we are too good for. He want's us to have the best, which is him, and remember that he made people to love other people. As we saw in these papers we read, God's message to us is that we will all die in the end, and our souls will either go with Him or His outcast angel, Lucifer. Us humans see death as a bad thing but it should be looked at with glory because we are going to a better place with better people and the only Lord. However some people can be damned to hell if they don't follow God's simple laws. The Lord has a great deed for us, but it will only be reviled to us when He say's the time has come and if we achieve it then we will have made this world a better place. In the papers, God as Mother, in my opinion symbolizes the beginning of all. Mothers are what nurture and protect and care for us from the beginning. They watch over us and we come from them. These images are almost always portrayed as God, we come from him and he watches over us, like a mother. PERSONAL REFLECTION There are some very moving points in Julian's visions. Some points she makes in her book are very moving and get me thinking about my own personal views on the stuff she talks about. I am at time very courious about my religion, as you will see later in the essay. I do believe there is a God and I will always believe that, but at times it hard to because when I pray to him I don't know if he is going to answer me. Yet I always pray because I know that he will hear at least one of them. Julian talks about the trinity. She says ?...the trinity is God and God is the trinity.? And she proceeds HISTORICAL CONTENT Essays - Allah, Deities, God, Infinity HISTORICAL CONTENT Julian of Norwich lived during the late fourteenth century- early fifteenth century. Many things were happening in Europe at that time. The main thing going on at that time was the Bubonic or Black Plague. The plague spread in waves. It was spread by fleas, which got it from infected ship rats. The plague lasted about one-hundred years. The Bubonic Plague was very influential in the works of art and the way people felt at that time period. Another thing going on was the hundred years war. This was actually lasted one-hundred fifteen years, and was fought between the French and British. During the life of Julian the Avignion Papacy was going on. This was when the popes moved from Rome to France and the French kings had a lot of power because the kings and the popes worked together to help each other out. it was a very confusing time at one point they had a French and a roman pope. Eventually, it was all straightened out with some help from Catherine of Sienna who had a dream were God told her the pope needed to be in Rome. She told her story to pope Gregory XI who returned the papacy to Rome. The first great work of literature in the English language was The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer around 1390. Chaucer was, at various times, a court page, a soldier, and a diplomat. His travels exposed him to a variety of men and women, many of whom served as models for his vivid characters. Chaucer tells the story of a group of pilgrims bound for the shrine of Thomas ? Becket, who entertained themselves by telling tales. Also at that time the Aztec empire was taking off and it was taken over by the Spaniards in 1521. CONTENT In Julian's visions, she believes Jesus is communicating directly with her because the images she sees are so vivid and real, and she believes she felt Heaven. It was then that Julian realized that the trinity is everything good in the world. She felt unworthy to receive these images but God still gave them to her. She feels Mary's thoughts and realizes that Jesus wanted to live as a human, as one of his Father's creatures. After this is when she decides to turn her life over to God. She feels that God is always with us, helping and loving. Realizing that God loves everything, no matter how big or small, rich or poor. Julian believes we, like god, must consider every little thing and love it. The man-made things are what God thinks we are too good for. He want's us to have the best, which is him, and remember that he made people to love other people. As we saw in these papers we read, God's message to us is that we will all die in the end, and our souls will either go with Him or His outcast angel, Lucifer. Us humans see death as a bad thing but it should be looked at with glory because we are going to a better place with better people and the only Lord. However some people can be damned to hell if they don't follow God's simple laws. The Lord has a great deed for us, but it will only be reviled to us when He say's the time has come and if we achieve it then we will have made this world a better place. In the papers, God as Mother, in my opinion symbolizes the beginning of all. Mothers are what nurture and protect and care for us from the beginning. They watch over us and we come from them. These images are almost always portrayed as God, we come from him and he watches over us, like a mother. PERSONAL REFLECTION There are some very moving points in Julian's visions. Some points she makes in her book are very moving and get me thinking about my own personal views on the stuff she talks about. I am at time very courious about my religion, as you will see later in the essay. I do believe there is a God and I will always believe that, but at times it hard to because when I pray to him I don't know if he is going to answer me. Yet I always pray because I know that he will hear at least one of them. Julian talks about the trinity. She says ?...the trinity is God and God is the trinity.? And she proceeds

Monday, November 25, 2019

ISHAYA AJET HOSEA 130151 CPBLG Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

ISHAYA AJET HOSEA 130151 CPBLG Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers ISHAYA AJET HOSEA 130151 CPBLG Investing in Africa's Future College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance Ethics and Natural Resource Management ( PEP515 ) Lecturer: Mrs. Bere Question: Using a case study of your choice examine the strengths and weaknesses of state environmental agencies in enforcing environmental policies Due Date: 2 April 2018 Introduction The activities of human beings in their pursuit for development in every field of existence have impacted on the environment adversely negative. The by-product of these activities has led to a reduction in the quality of the land, air and water of which the environment generally consists of. The activities of human beings pollute the environment and these pollution effect need to be checked in order to prevent the destruction of the environment and Extinction of the human race from the face of the earth. These human activities, left unchecked, could also endanger the continuation of life earth. This can be done through an effective enforcement of environmental protection laws (Dimowo, 2010). However, these environmental protection laws do not function independent of challenges. Therefore, the protection and preservation of the environment is here and now perceived as being of crucial importance to the future of mankind (Allison-Kulo, 2017) The situation at hand has made many organizations, foremost imperatives to the trend of law and change. Among some of the foremost organizations is the United Nations. The United Nations has the sole proprietorship rights "to enact" numerous legislations and conventions meant to protect the environment. However, the lack of enforcement of these laws stands out as the most fundamental cause of the inability of the legislations to protect the environment. Therefore, this paper seeks to examine the enforcement of environmental regulatory laws with emphasis on Nigeria. It will also examine the problem associated with enforcement with a view to making necessary recommendations that could ultimately enhance the protection of the environment. Environmental Law Like many other legal terms, the term "environmental law" may be seen as having a central core of meaning surrounded by what may be termed as partial-shade of uncertainty (Blawell, 1961). Within the core are to be found those laws which relates to fortification of natural resources and peoples gratification of them. Natural resources include air, land, water, fauna, and climate . Just outside the "core" of environmental law, are laws designed to protect the quality of life of particular group of people. These laws, for example, relate to sanitation in dwelling. According to (Blawell, 1961:95), such laws are more usually categorized as environmental health laws. Further still outside the core, but within the partial shade are laws which protect the society generally such as laws relating to road traffic or vandalism (Thornton, 1996) . At the very edge of the cloudiness, are laws designed to protect and augment people's commercial activities such as those relating to carriage of goods by road, rail, and sea. These, although not generally thought of in any sense as environmental law, can have profound impact on the protection and enjoyment of the natural resources. Going with Thornton's, the most effective definition of environmental law then is perhaps one that is all encompassing. However, environmental law has been defined as comprising "legal strategies and procedures intended to fight the pollution, abuse and neglect of air, earth, and water resources (Thornton, 1996) ." BACKGROUND Beliefs behind Environmental Regulation As a organization of law, environmental law originated as a collection of rules that grew up at irregular intervals, as a random and a little at a time response to specific environmental problems, but has currently pull off a certain degree of consistency, in the sense that it has a clear and unified rational foundation. The above statement is also a true assertion of the progressive development of environmental law in Nigeria. However, the theoretical basis of environmental law in Nigeria may not be easily associated. Some of these theories include: Anthropocentric Beliefs This view was postulated by an Australian philosopher John Passmore, who wrote out a sense of alarm that "man cannot continue to live as predators on the biosphere and if contemporary civilization is to survive, it must, in important respect, change its way (John, 1974) . This theory posits that

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment should be presented as a Journal opinion article. The Essay

Assignment should be presented as a Journal opinion article. The article should be timely and address an economic issue of current interest to Wall Street Journal readers - Essay Example For the Chicago region, costs of shipping have risen since some organizations are forced to use other routes, which were more expensive. In Dallas, trucking companies argue that cargo volumes went down due to West Coast ports shipping disruptions. This is because small-parcel and rail shipments went up in January, even though they were high the previous year. For the retailers in the western states, they would have realized strong sales during the holiday season if the delays that emerged from West Coast ports never took place. These issues led to a reduction in agricultural exports, as perishable goods were wasted while in storage containers before they could be shipped (Portlock). In addition, Boston Fed revealed that firms were under pressure, particularly due to the negative influences that resulted from unanticipated weather conditions in the southern part of New England. Nevertheless, products, such as coats, boosts, and winter sporting equipment realized strong sales. However, several retailers said that more than 200 stores situated in New England could not operate for a few days due to extreme weather conditions (Portlock). New York, on the other hand, is showing a rise in available rentals, indicating new economic developments, especially in Brooklyn. A transportation analyst situated in Philadelphia region stipulated that the flourishing traffic is nearing levels last witnessed during the previous expansion. In Cleveland district, decline in prices of gasoline have encouraged certain individuals to purchase trucks and SUVs, reaching a sales rise of about 7 percent compared to January 2014. However, a number of dental equipment producers in Richmond area said low number of patients led to reduced sales of the products. In the case of Atlanta region, establishments meant for casual dining witnessed a rise in customer volumes as clients were becoming

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Norway-Promotion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Norway-Promotion - Term Paper Example market for ARIO Wristband comprises of young consumers, therefore, it is important for the company to adopt promotional strategies that are attractive to them. The company has to consider a promotion media mix in order to reach its targeted audience. The company will use different promotional tools and mediums including social media websites, print magazines, business directories, and social events for delivering its messages to the its target market audience and general public. One of the key tools that the company can use for promoting its products is social media. In the recent years, social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. have emerged as new forums for businesses to market and promote their products (SkarÃ… ¾auskienà ©, Tamosià »naità ¨ and Ã… ½alà ©nienà ©). It has been observed that young consumers spend a significant proportion of their time on social media websites including blogging, social networking, and content sharing websites, and their acceptance of brands is positively related to the peer pressure on social networks. The company will develop informational promotional messages that are easily accessible and understandable for the younger audience (Muk). ARIO Wristband will place advertisements of different sizes on a regular basis in various printed magazines in Norway. These fashion magazines include SMUG, Vixen, SOMA, etc. The underlying aim of such advertisement include introduction of the brand and its products, updates about new designs, and developing fashion sense for wristbands. Participation in social events and promotion of brands is another useful tactic that ARIO Wristband will adopt. ARIO Wristband will seek entry in different fashion events such as Oslo Fashion Week, Norwegian Fashion Hub, Designerkollektivet, etc. Moreover, the company will carry different promotional activities at its outlet and also in different shopping arcades in Oslo including Byporten Shopping, Oslo City Shopping Center, etc. to attract young consumers.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Analysis - Essay Example Most Americans agree that fast food is unhealthy and has bad consequences but they still eat it daily because their lifestyle demands such practices. they do not recognize how much it affects them. The article starts with a good introduction that expresses its clear objectives and points of view way to reach the point and grasp grape the American Americans reader’s attention, which is â€Å"sport†, because Because most Americans love sports. The author’s technique is effective because of the inclusion of the subject on sport which and it could be the first thing to be noticed in the an article. After mentioning sport, the authors introduces the problem and explains it and separates it out in details, supporting and support each part of the problem with scientific researches. It is shown that researches can effectively perfectly warn the reader from the ill effects of cheap fast food. Moreover, Then it gives some examples to support the researches. Finally, the ar ticle provides solutions and encourages readers asking to take an action to solve the that issue wherein efforts are exerted either by form the government or from the people. Appealing to Logos, the article has a very convincing way to make the reader be easily drawn to agree with on the author side. It mentions how the problem of cheap fast food could make bad consequences. For example, water pollution is unacceptable an acceptable to people because it affects their health and could make them ill or at risk. It also mentions that food industries cause water pollution because of the practices in garbage disposals and cleaning. Therefore, the author argues that fast food industry is synonymous to water pollution and this makes the two conditions simply unacceptable. , and then it mentions food industry and how it turns to cause water pollution and that makes food industry has the same consequences of water pollution, what logically makes food industry an acceptable as much as water p ollution is. Furthermore, it mentions cancer which is probably one of the most dangerous dangerousness complaints of customers because as it is commonly known, cancer could cause deaths if not very expensive and long process of treatments. in the and for sure most people know the deadly effects of it, and then the The article also mentions hormones that are be injected to cattle and seeds in order to make them grow fast and meet the demands of fast food chains. However, the hormones have diverse effects on humans who partake of the treated animals and other food products. This practice is unacceptable as well because it is already a parallel to cancer. bulking up faster to make easy fast food, that Hormones have dicey consequences which transfer to fast food and that cause breast and prostate cancer, which make that fast food an acceptable and dangerous as cancer is. In addition, the article mentions how air pollution is caused during the process so that the author persuades readers not to support the fast food industry by buying their products. It also mentions how air pollution is another undesirable issue and persuades readers that how manures can pollute air with chemicals elements., which make manures that used to make cattle and seeds grow faster another dungarees issue and the same as air pollution.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Micheal Dell Transformational Leadership

Micheal Dell Transformational Leadership Milestones Michael Dell is the founder and CEO of Dell computer corporation that is the worlds largest direct computer company. He is also the youngest person ever to head a Fortune 500 firm.   Michael Dell founded DELL in 1984, and currently serves as the chairman of the Board of Directors and chief executive officer. In 1998, Mr. Dell formed MSD Capital, and he currently serves on the boards of several organizations including the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, the executive committee of the International Business Council and is a member of the U.S. Business Council, the U.S. Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, the Technology CEO Council and the governing board of the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India. His Skills 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Visionary Micheal Dell saw great opportunity to provide computing technology in a more efficient way. That was the core idea of what became Dell Computer Corporation. He started the business with a simple question How can we make the process of buying a computer better? 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Internal Locus of control and Ability to Learn One of the first things I learned, though, was that there was a relationship between screwing up and learning: the more mistakes I made, the faster I learned. Micheal Dell 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Change-Oriented Behavior Micheal Dell did care for neither only people nor only task, he cared for both. He did not build the business solely on cost or price but also on a sustainable advantage. He cared most for sustaining loyalty among customers and employees, which, as he thought, could only be derived from having the highest level of service and very high-performing products engaging the entire company – from manufacturing to engineering to sales and to support staff – in the process of understanding customer requirements which then became a permanent focus of management energy, training, and employee education. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Downward Consultation Micheal Dell practiced downward consultation; he always gathered opinions about What is the right plan? where believed that its the one that helps identify what DELL needs to do to ensure success. Its the one that rallies DELL employees around a few common goals – and motivates them to achieve those goals. Its one that involves your customers goals and DELLs suppliers goals and brings them all together in a unified focus. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Develop and train People             Micheal Dell knew that employees at every level can help DELL implement its company strategy and achieve goals beyond their immediate area of responsibility, but only if DELL is genuinely devoted to their long-term growth and development.   6.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Action Oriented Leader Micheal Dell believed that planning is nothing without execution. He thought respected planning but yet believed that outputs is what generates profits. What Made Micheal Dell a Successful Leader He knew his goal clearly and steadly focused on it. When he was in college, Michael Dell stated that he wanted to beat IBM. In the following years, he started his own business and constantly achieved his goal no matter what difficulties he faced .Today, Dell Company revenues are about $ 7.8 billion a year. He has passed IBM in annual sales, and is approaching industry leader Compaq. INNOVATOR he was fond of doing something new and took risks. He worked hard to make them work. He also cherished difference and thought difference can breed innovation. He hired a diverse work force in his teams with different views on problems. He has full responsibility either for business or for family and keeps good BALANCES between work and life. He worked hard to create great value for customers, employees and shareholders. He spent his spare time with his wife and kids and wanted to be a great dad and a great husband. Every day he drives his kids to school .he always makes pancakes for his kids. Michael Dell has a powerful vision for the future and develops unique businesss philosophy. He wants his company to have a supreme speed to market; a solid dedication to customer service; a severe assurance of producing high-quality, low-priced, custom-made machines. essential change of his leadership composition In the hyper market competition, Dell realized that he didn’t have all the right skills to change his company into a multi-product, multi-geography. And since he couldn’t manage alone, he should bring in the talent he needed. So, Dell made a decision that he will share his power with his long time partner Kevin Rollins. He developed a new leadership model one company, two CEO’s. Although this co-CEO involved a lot of leadership risks, fortunately, they have done well although they had lots of differences. Micheal Dell Leadership Style His leadership style belongs to transformational leadership because he has a strong ability and desire to break up laws and to change situation completely, and he also has ability to create something new and benefit himself and others. Leadership is about coping with changes. More change always demands more leadership. And since the computer industry field is surrounded with volatile competition, leaders couldnt cope with complexity and change very well, they would go bankruptcy. Fortunately, through his transformational leadership, the company can keep up with the changes of the market, and make more and more progress. He started with nothing , but built a empire and created a fantastic wealth for millions of people. He led his team to create a lot of pioneering activities in the computer industry. He created a low cost, mail order model to sell computers, and helped more and more people realize the power of computing and the internet; he has a good self conscious of his disadvantages, and he knows what he doesnt know. He has a strong moral responsibility for business and family, and keeps a good balance between life and work. He created a new image of young entrepreneur. Lessons Learned A successful leader must have clear goal and powerful vision for the future. He must use his entrepreneur personality to motivate people, communicate with them and influence his followers. He should be able to transform his personal goal and vision into all followers practice. A successful leader must be an innovator. He must be a flexible open mided person who respects difference and encourage his followers to have different ideas and different solutions.   He should have ability to handle change and extract opportunities from it. A successful leader must be courageous; he should have courage to take risks of doing new things and should be eager to pioneer in his field. A successful leader must have strong self conscious. He must admit and identify what he doesnt know and face it. He should learn from mistakes and acquire talents he needs. A successful leader must have high ethical responsibility for both business and private life. He should keep good balance among them. The vision makes Dell computer successful and unique in the world. What is more, Micheal Dell knows how to use the vision to communicate and motivate his employees and get people excited about what he is doing. Dell says   A lot of businesses get off track because they don’t communicate an excitement References

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Essay -- Eating Dis

Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Although a great deal of early research on body image and eating disorders focused on upper/middle class Caucasians living in America or under the influence of Western ideals, many researchers are realizing that eating disorders are not isolated to this particular group. They are also realizing the differences in body image between occur in different races and genders (Pate, Pumariega, Hester 1992). Recently, several studies have shown that eating disorders transcend these specific guidelines, and increasingly, researchers are looking at male/female differences, cross-cultural variation and variation within cultures as well. It is impossible to broach the concept of body image without including the general sentiment of the population being studied as it changes from society to society. Americans, Blacks and Asians have been the focus of a significant amount of research on the cultural attributions of eating disorders and differences in body image between cultures. When a researcher considers body image and eating problems in African-American women, they must also take into account the socio-cultural factors and factors of oppression, such as racism and sexism (Davis, Clance, Gailis 1999). Without specific etiologies for individual eating problems and body dissatisfaction, these issues become very important to individual cases and treatments. Psychologists must consider religions, coping methods, family life, and socio-economic status when assessing a patient. These all vary within cultures and between cultures making this a difficult job and complex subject to tackle. Fortunately, a great deal of research has been done to assess the body images of Black women. One extensive... ...pean Eating Disorder Review,4, 73-83. Molloy, B., Herzberger, S. (1998) Body image and self-esteem: A comparison of african american and caucasian women. Sex-Roles, 38, 631-643. Mumford, D., Whitehouse, A., Platts, M., (1991) Sociocultural correlates of eating disorders among asian school girls in bradford. British Journal of Pyschiatry, 158, 222-228. Ofuso, H., Lafreniere, K., Senn, C., (1998) Body image And perception among young women of african descent: A normative context? Feminism and Psychology, 8, 303-323. Pate, J., Pumariega, A., (1992) Cross-cultural patterns in eating disorders: A review. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,31, 802-809. Williamson, L. (1998) Eating disorders and the cultural forces behind the drive for thinness: Are african american women really protected? Social Work in Health Care,28, 61-73. Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Essay -- Eating Dis Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Although a great deal of early research on body image and eating disorders focused on upper/middle class Caucasians living in America or under the influence of Western ideals, many researchers are realizing that eating disorders are not isolated to this particular group. They are also realizing the differences in body image between occur in different races and genders (Pate, Pumariega, Hester 1992). Recently, several studies have shown that eating disorders transcend these specific guidelines, and increasingly, researchers are looking at male/female differences, cross-cultural variation and variation within cultures as well. It is impossible to broach the concept of body image without including the general sentiment of the population being studied as it changes from society to society. Americans, Blacks and Asians have been the focus of a significant amount of research on the cultural attributions of eating disorders and differences in body image between cultures. When a researcher considers body image and eating problems in African-American women, they must also take into account the socio-cultural factors and factors of oppression, such as racism and sexism (Davis, Clance, Gailis 1999). Without specific etiologies for individual eating problems and body dissatisfaction, these issues become very important to individual cases and treatments. Psychologists must consider religions, coping methods, family life, and socio-economic status when assessing a patient. These all vary within cultures and between cultures making this a difficult job and complex subject to tackle. Fortunately, a great deal of research has been done to assess the body images of Black women. One extensive... ...pean Eating Disorder Review,4, 73-83. Molloy, B., Herzberger, S. (1998) Body image and self-esteem: A comparison of african american and caucasian women. Sex-Roles, 38, 631-643. Mumford, D., Whitehouse, A., Platts, M., (1991) Sociocultural correlates of eating disorders among asian school girls in bradford. British Journal of Pyschiatry, 158, 222-228. Ofuso, H., Lafreniere, K., Senn, C., (1998) Body image And perception among young women of african descent: A normative context? Feminism and Psychology, 8, 303-323. Pate, J., Pumariega, A., (1992) Cross-cultural patterns in eating disorders: A review. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,31, 802-809. Williamson, L. (1998) Eating disorders and the cultural forces behind the drive for thinness: Are african american women really protected? Social Work in Health Care,28, 61-73.